Art of Seduction - Chapter 1 - Viktuurio (2024)

Chapter Text

Viktor had always had luck in terms of his body, at least in the conventional sense. He had a rather healthy appetite, but considering he had what could only be described as an inhuman metabolism, it hadn’t done anything. Of course, the muscles didn’t come for free, he actually worked on those and even now, after retirement for both him and his lovely husband, he maintained them by being an active coach and working out regularly.

His Yuuri on the other hand was the complete opposite. Whilst Viktor’s metabolism was fast paced and had prevented almost any leftover body fat to stick to his body, Yuuri’s metabolism was almost laughable. While ice skating Yuuri’s weight had been fluctuating immensely from off-season to on-season, but having to train for every season had never let Yuuri gain as much as he’d been sporting when Viktor actually met him.

Now, however, full on retired and not coaching (having come to terms that didn’t come as naturally to him as it did for Viktor), the weight had steadily been piling on. Yuuri had gotten a part-time job at a local ice rink that families were mainly the target audience and spent most of his workday behind a counter or cleaning up. Sure, Yuuri would sometimes be on the ice himself, but the vigorous exercise from his professional skating days were long over.

During some days a week he studied the Russian language at the local university, wanting to become better and fluent as best he could. Even if he’d lived in St Petersburg for three years, he hadn’t been able to take any Russian lessons due to how busy his skating career had been and now he wanted to be able to communicate effortlessly with the people around him.

The drastic change in lifestyle and Yuuri having both a healthy appetite, a sweet tooth and a liking for snacking, but not a metabolism that could allow that, had caused a rather prevalent side affect.

And Viktor… was secretly extremely happy about this. The silver haired Russian was by nature fairly observant and had thus excitedly paid attention to his husband’s steady weight gain since they left the professional skating world to their still-not retired friends and competitors.

In fact he may or may have been paying a lot of attention to it. Viktor hadn’t been aware he would be so attracted to Yuuri’s growing body. Of course, he’d already fallen for him with more pudge on that what he usually had during skating season, and had expected him to gain some weight after they retired, not caring of course, because he loved his little katsudon and thanked every higher power that he was his.

But now that Yuuri was growing considerably chubbier for each month that was passing them by, Viktor was secretly wishing Yuuri never wanted to go through extensive workouts to fight his bad metabolism again. Of course he’d support him, because Yuuri’s happiness came first, but god… he hoped Yuuri would just continue letting himself go.

So far it didn’t seem those hopes were in any danger of not coming true.

And Viktor may or may not have polished his cooking skills just for the sole purpose of making Yuuri whatever he was in the mood for. They had gotten into quite a lovely routine of both heading off to work, getting home where Viktor would start cooking and Yuuri would do laundry, fold clothes or any other chore that needed attention, before sitting down.

On the menu today was his beautiful husband’s all time favourite – pork cutlet bowl.

He could tell Yuuri was excited by the way his big eyes widened as Viktor put a large portion in front of him, grinning at how adorably cute he was. Yuuri’s cheeks had gotten rounder with his latest weight gain, but Viktor definitely wanted them to fill out even more, same with those beautiful pecks that pushed slightly against the sweater his husband was wearing. There was so much potential there.

It wasn’t just that it was suiting his beautiful Yuuri, but the Japanese man looked so happy and bubbly these days. Of course, he had been on the cheerful side since they’d gotten together, but he was so calm and was definitely taking advantage of their new, relaxed lifestyle.

“Do you remember what day it is?” Viktor prompted as he sat down next to his husband by their dinner table.

He had yet to give Yuuri his chopsticks, which he knew his love had been itching to be given before Viktor pulled his attention to him. Yuuri adopted a small, cute blush as he smiled when Viktor held up the chopsticks and decided to pick up some katsudon with them to hold against Yuuri’s lips. Viktor’s stomach fluttered every time he got the opportunity to feed his lover.

“Yeah, it’s been three years since I moved to St Petersburg to be with you.”

As if it was a reward for Yuuri to remember an anniversary like that, Viktor pressed the katsudon against the younger man’s lips to urge him to take the first bite he’d been anxiously waiting for. Yuuri wrapped his pretty lips around the chopsticks, taking in his favourite food with great gusto. The moan Yuuri emitted when he was eating something delicious always went straight to Viktor’s groin. Thankfully, the Russian had grown used to having to contain himself near his attractive husband who he just couldn’t seem to get enough of.

“Oh, Viktor, that’s delicious.” Yuuri gladly accepted the other pair of chopsticks that Viktor held out for him and started digging in. Still far more interested in getting Yuuri to eat than himself, Viktor started feeding Yuuri while the other also fed himself. The beautiful Japanese seemed oblivious to how fast the katsudon was going down this way, but rather blushed at Viktor’s romantic action of feeding him.

Soon the first portion was all gone and Viktor noticed to his utter glee that Yuuri’s soft tummy had started to bloat slightly from the fullness, but from past experience he knew his lovely husband could pack away far more than this. Using their various anniversaries was usually how Viktor got away by also getting quite fatting, large desserts, and this time was no different.

He had made sure to eat his own far smaller portion of katsudon so Yuuri wouldn’t be too confused over how little he ate, giving away that Viktor was sometimes so enthralled by feeding and watching his lover eat than getting enough for himself.

Viktor quickly removed their bowls and kissed Yuuri’s cheek lovingly, then winked. “I also got your favourite chocolate dessert yesterday, but you got to eat another portion for me first.”

There was a bakery a few blocks from their home that Yuuri had fallen in love with, and Viktor blessed its existence solely because of how many pastries they made that Yuuri couldn’t get enough of. It certainly had contributed to his lover growing softer over the last months after retirement.

Yuuri perked up, eyes sparkling. “Really? The raspberry chocolate cake from Sladosti Bakery?”

So cute… was all Viktor could think at that moment.

“Only the best for you.”

He swore he saw Yuuri’s heart skip a beat. Good, he wanted his amazing husband to feel every ounce of love Viktor had for him, which meant he had no qualms about laying on his affections as thick as he could. He quickly brought another portion of katsudon in front of Yuuri who started digging in once more. This portion was just as large as the first, but this time Viktor didn’t feed him, but rather rested his chin in the palm of his hand as he observed Yuuri eat.

He truly looked happy and content when he ate his favourite food. He made those beautiful sounds in-between bites and had a soft blush on his cheeks that Viktor wanted to stick there permanently. The silver haired man also paid attention to slightly more skin showing as Yuuri’s stomach bloated a bit more by the large portions of the high calorie dinner.

When he finished Yuuri was displaying slight discomfort by writhing in his seat. It was obvious his waistband was digging into his bloated tummy and Viktor reached out on reflex to unbutton Yuuri’s pants to let the younger man have some breathing room.

Said ex-skater blushed, seemingly shivering as Viktor’s hand graced his bloated stomach. Inside Viktor was thanking the universe for this opportunity, for just – Yuuri. Katsuki Yuuri in general.

“Are you ready for some cake, lyubov moya?”

Looking slightly flustered and blushing, Yuuri nodded bravely. Viktor found the slight confliction in his lover’s eyes so endearing. Clearly, the thought of the sweet, heavy chocolate cake made Yuuri’s mouth water, but at the same time he could tell how shy Yuuri was about how he was packing it all away. Viktor sent him the most loving of looks to reassure how what a good time they were having together.

“Go to the sofa, I’ll serve you.”

He wanted to see Yuuri’s cute belly all round and full, not to mention that overly happy smile when the Japanese man was indulging himself always had Viktor swooning. Every happy glimmer, every perk and sparkle in Yuuri sent warmth flooding through Viktor’s body. He just loved seeing Yuuri full and happy.

The cake was rich, covered in thick chocolate frosting, and of course Viktor had gotten them to write ‘To my lovely, beautiful Yuuri’ in white chocolate on top of it. Yuuri gasped at the look of it, eyes big and almost teary as he turned to gaze at Viktor, clearly touched by the romantic gesture. Viktor wrapped his arms around Yuuri and brought him close so he could kiss him lovingly on the lips, fingers automatically running over his lover’s steadily chubbier body. Oh those love handles. He wanted to squeeze them, but not yet. First he needed Yuuri to keep enjoying himself.

They pulled away and Viktor marvelled at Yuuri’s beaming smile, the flush to his cheeks.

Radiant. His beautiful angel.

Viktor didn’t waste anytime cutting a large slice that he held up for Yuuri, though keeping the spoon to himself. “Open up,” he whispered and Yuuri did so excitedly.

He once again had to remind himself to be patient once the chocolate cake entered Yuuri’s mouth and the same happy moan escaped his husband’s lips. It was such a complicated situation, because he couldn’t take his eyes away as he continued to feed Yuuri the rich, filling chocolate cake, but he knew that he should be thinking of something that would make it easier to hide any possible erection.

“Oh, Viktor… m’getting kind of full,” Yuuri said, though he hadn’t stopped taking the bites Viktor was pressing against his beautiful, plump lips. By now his stomach was definitely bloated to a noticeable degree, pressing out against his sweater so that a small line of delicious, pale skin was poking through.

God Viktor was so weak. Oh, god. Could Yuuri possibly be more breathtaking?

“What? But there’s so much cake, lapochka, and I’m having such a good time feeding you. I’m sure you want more of this, come on.”

Viktor sent him the most dazzling smile he knew, which, judging from previous experiences, usually made Yuuri melt into a pile of goo for him. Yes, it did definitely cater to his ego that he could make his love weak in the knees.

“O-okay, I’ll eat more. You did get it for me, after all.” Yuuri blushed softly with a tender smile.

“I’ll get you some milk to wash it down.” Viktor beamed like a child on Christmas day and headed quickly to the kitchen to fetch the milk, or well, Yuuri’s full-fat creamy one. Viktor didn’t drink much milk and if he did it was skimmed, meaning the full-fatty variant they had in their fridge was always steadily being drunken by his chubby husband.

When he returned to the couch Yuuri was subconsciously rubbing his tummy over his sweater. Viktor had to take a steady breath. He couldn’t pop that boner just yet, okay. He wanted to indulge Yuuri’s appetite far more.

“Here you go, my love,” he cooed and handed Yuuri the big glass of milk.

Yuuri thanked him sweetly and started drinking it, each ounce disappearing from the glass steadily until it was nice and empty. Viktor took it from him, always there to cater to Yuuri before the Japanese man even had to ask him to do something, and then, almost before Yuuri could catch his breath, Viktor had gotten him another huge slice that he was waiting to fill him with.

“Open wide, krasavitsa.”

Yuuri obliged.

Even if he was full, Yuuri seemed to be enjoying the taste of the rich chocolate cake so much it wasn’t that hard for Viktor to convince him to finish the piece. He continued to gulp it down, cheeks flushed and eyes giving away just how much the taste was doing to him. Viktor, although paying attention to the fluffiness of Yuuri’s cheeks as he took big mouthfuls and his beautiful lips getting coating in chocolate frosting, also had his eyes cast downwards for every-bite, exciting tingles going through him as Yuuri’s sweater continued to ride up as his stomach bloated.

“How good is it, my angel?” Viktor cooed lovingly, licking his own lips as Yuuri did the same to get the chocolate that had stuck there. Like a champion Yuuri had finished his second slice. Actually, they could hardly be called slices considering that they were so big half the cake was already gone.

So good,” Yuuri groaned, clearly having succumb to his fullness now.

Viktor decided it was enough. He could simply save the other half of the cake for tomorrow… Yuuri always liked to finish off their leftovers, much to Viktor glee.

“Oh, are you feeling full?” Viktor said innocently, hands planting themselves to the now sphere that was Yuuri’s usually soft, pudgy belly. He looked pregnant, which would’ve been wonderful, but alas Viktor couldn’t put his sperm in there to make beautiful babies. How cruel the world was to two men who loved each other unconditionally.

“Mmm, very, oh.. I-I think I may have overdone it a little.” Yuuri was blushing deep red, clearly a bit embarrassed when he realized his stomach was so bloated his sweater could no longer contain most of it either, having admitted defeat just like his pants.

“Nonsense… I’m so glad you liked the meal I prepared for you, Yuuri. Here, let me help you.” Viktor started massaging the taunt belly, smirking pleased to himself as Yuuri instantly moaned by the touch, putting his own hands behind himself to arch further into Viktor’s loving hands. Yuuri was panting slightly and Viktor was again trying hard to not sport an erection, but he was afraid that was proving to be far harder this time now that his lover was so full, panting and whimpering without even being aware of what it was doing to him.

“Mm, V-Viktor…” Yuuri had kept his eyes closed, but opened them when he uttered a slight squeak at the cold he suddenly felt against his skin. Viktor had taken the opportunity to grab one of many bottles of lotion the Russian kept in his home, most there so he could use any excuse to rub his lover in with it.

This had prevented red stretch marks on Yuuri’s skin, rather they were lighter and not as visible. Not to mention it had left his skin even softer, which Viktor was loving.

“There, just relax, lapochka. Doesn’t it feel nice?”

“V-very nice,” Yuuri said shyly with a soft smile, meeting Viktor’s gaze.

Suddenly, Yuuri looked a bit nervous, this coming when he gazed down at his bloated stomach. Viktor noticed the Japanese man visibly swallowed, before asking in a quiet voice: “Viktor… you don’t think I’ve… gained too much weight recently do you?”

Oh, his cute, oblivious little Yuuri. Even with all the extra cooking, the constant touches Viktor couldn’t keep himself from serving the beautiful man in his arms, he still hadn’t caught on what Viktor was doing, that his chubby body was turning his husband on so much it was a pain how many times he had masturbat*d by the thought of Yuuri growing softer and softer in Viktor’s care.

Shaking his head, the Russian leaned closer to kiss Yuuri’s lips lovingly, tasting the chocolate from the Japanese man’s dessert on his own lips. Mm. Far more delicious than the cake itself. When they pulled away, Yuuri panting for two reasons now, not just due to his largely bloated stomach, Viktor said with a beaming smile: “Not at all. You’ve always gained weight easily, right? I knew that when I fell in love with you and I adore you no matter the size.”


“Of course, my angel.” Viktor’s eyes turned soft.

“I’m glad.” Yuuri looked relieved but flustered.

“You are happy though, aren’t you Yuuri?”

He had to make sure… Yuuri’s happiness did come first after all, not Viktor’s secret kinks.

“So very,” Yuuri whispered, face redder, but his smile happy and radiant. Viktor’s stomach filled with butterflies he swore would never fade no matter how many years they’d been together now.

“Then that is all that matters.” Viktor was back to massaging Yuuri’s belly and leaned in to kiss his chubby cheeks, humming as he noticed a certain tent in his husband’s pants that looked ready to pop. The silver haired Russian smirked. “Now, do you wish to head upstairs?”

“Yes please.”

Did he mention his Yuuri also looked perfect when he was so very eager to jump him?



Yuuri looked at himself in the mirror. It was his day off from work and all assignments and tests had been completed for the week, meaning this Sunday he was left to do whatever he desired. Viktor, unfortunately, had a few hours of work today as well, so Yuuri had bid him goodbye this morning with lengthy, desperate kisses that had almost made Viktor stay. Almost being the keyword.

Now, Yuuri had never considered himself a very clingy person… but that was before Viktor.

He just wanted to be with him all the time, and even with their ups and downs for three years that had not stopped.

The ex-skater had spent an hour after Viktor left to look through Instagram, smiling at the recent photos Yurio had posted of him and Otabek in Kazakhstan. The young skater had decided to go there for a week’s vacation considering it was off-season right now. He was really happy for them, truly. Yurio never looked as alive as he did when he was with Otabek, now that Yuuri had noticed a long time ago.

After that, he had gotten up to make breakfast. Viktor had put everything out for him, so all he had to do was prepare it. As most portions of Yuuri’s were these days, it had been large and delicious, eggs, bacon, omelettes and a rather big stack of pancakes leaving him sated and full.

He had felt happy afterwards, deciding he wanted to go shopping, perhaps find something attractive to wear tonight… He always liked it when he could seduce Viktor to jump him first thing when he came through the door, forgetting anything but how much he wanted Yuuri. What could he say? Skating eros had truly opened his eyes to how much he enjoyed Viktor worshipping him.

He wasn’t ashamed to admit it. At least not for himself.

But as he’d gone to get properly dressed Yuuri suddenly realized that he may need more than just something new and attractive for him and Viktor’s bedroom activities. The Japanese man had gone through his entire closet without finding any pants that fit. He had desperately tried to close the latest jeans he’d bought about three weeks ago, but as soon as he’d gotten the button to finally take, he had un-sucked his stomach and… well, it had come flying off, much to Yuuri’s horrification.

Of course he’d been aware that he’d gained weight, he just hadn’t been aware of how much. He hadn’t paid much attention to it, if he had to be honest… Usually when it came to bodies, Yuuri’s focus was only on one.


While Yuuri would be sitting on their sofa reading, Viktor would be doing sit-ups on their floor, then push ups, pull-ups… he lifted weights, muscles bulging as he strained them, long, decently bulky legs defined in his workout pants, abs peeking as he lifted his shirt to wipe sweat.

Yuuri had problems looking away from his husband in those situations, but also in most situations where Viktor wore sleeveless shirts that showed off strong, defined arms, the moments he would walk shirtless around the house so Yuuri could admire the firm pectorals he waned to nuzzle his face against.

The Japanese blushed when he caught himself thinking back on all the times he’d spent admiring his husband’s fit build, and then even more so when he became aware of their vast contrast. Whilst Viktor had maintained the physique of a Greek God, Yuuri was now staring at his reflection becoming aware just how much he’d let himself go.

Of course, Viktor had an unfair advantage regarding their opposite working metabolisms, but Yuuri knew he had indulged to his gluttony after retiring.

Worst was, Yuuri didn’t think he looked bad. He didn’t particularly want to stop the good life he now lead of not caring what he ate, but the anxiety ridden part of him that had been in control most of his life before Viktor entered it kept whispering in his ear that he was getting too chubby, too fat. Viktor wouldn’t want him if he continued this way… o-or? They’d properly fallen in love when Yuuri had been thin and fit, when he’d skated his first programs with Viktor as his coach, the voice reminded him, so sooner or later Viktor would probably miss that.

Especially since he’d maintained that weight until he retired now almost half a year ago.

Deciding he couldn’t go out shopping after all, not without any pants that properly fit, Yuuri sat down on his bed, still in the large over-sized t-shirt Viktor had gotten him to sleep in a month ago, and curled up, feeling nauseous all of the sudden.

What if Viktor really did start to miss his thin self? What if he was getting progressively grossed out by how chubby he’d gotten?

No… Viktor would’ve told him. The Russian was blunt to the point where it was almost too much… Besides, hadn’t he been the one that had encouraged Yuuri’s rather hefty meals lately? Yuuri’s eyebrows furrowed together. Yeah, that was true. Viktor had started getting really into cooking first after their retirement even if they had been living together for two years.

Not to mention how passionate Viktor had been lately about him. Of course, the Russian had never hid how attractive he found him, but it had been even more than usual after they retired. He couldn’t stop touching him, now that Yuuri thought about it. It was as if Viktor took any moment he could to feel Yuuri’s body.

Not only that. Yuuri almost felt stupid for not noticing before now how large the portions of his meals had become lately. Viktor had continued to buy him sweets from the bakery, would come home on days he couldn’t cook with fatty take out for Yuuri to munch on, and to Yuuri’s embarrassment he’d been so… happy to be fed by Viktor he hadn’t even paid attention to what his husband had been eating while Yuuri himself over-indulged. Clearly not nearly as much as him.

It suddenly all clicked.

Viktor wasn’t disgusted with him.

He was loving this.

He was attracted to Yuuri’s weight gain, he’d purposely chosen to cater to Yuuri’s appetite and love for food after retirement.

Yuuri got out of bed and stood by the mirror again, looking at his reflection. He was definitely slightly bigger than what he’d been when Viktor first met him. His thighs had rounded out, and were now big and plump. He was curvier than ever with his belly, although soft and squishy, had a roundness to it, his cheeks were chubby and round, love handles adorning his torso. His chest had rounded out considerably, leaving him with a nice pair of, well, breasts. Yuuri was sure that if he had a bra they could easily be mistaken as a woman’s.

Overall, he had doubtlessly rounded out and personally… he thought it looked good on him.

He didn’t feel like he wasn’t attractive and if Viktor found him desirable, in fact was turned on by him, that was just an amazing bonus.

Smiling slightly, getting an idea, Yuuri found another pair of pants that were the same size as the ones he had popped. He grabbed his phone, got ready to record, and then sucked in his chubby stomach to the best of his ability while pulling them up. He struggled a bit, but was able to get the button to sit this time too. He positioned his phone so the video clearly showed off Yuuri’s soft, round belly as he relaxed it out. As he’d expected, the button only held its ground for a minute before it popped to make room for his plump stomach.

Yuuri almost giggled to himself.

This way he would definitely have Viktor home as fast as possible.



Viktor was considering ending this particular class early. His Sunday classes were for ten year olds and not professional skaters, a little something he’d agreed to because he truly enjoyed getting kids into skating. Though today only three had showed up, which meant he’d gotten a lot of time for each of them and this had made it possible for him to go over what he needed rather fast.

He was watching them circle around the ring, practicing beginner step sequences when his phone vibrated. Taking his phone from his pants pocket, allowing himself to look away from his students, Viktor saw it was a message from his lovely husband.


From: the love of my life, my starry night, my inspiration attachment download

Honey, I need new pants :*

Viktor swallowed, reading the message under the video attachment first, feeling the anticipation instantly grow in him.

What was this?

He clicked the download link instantly, each second waiting feeling far longer than they should, before he could click play. When he did, however, his entire stomach exploded with flutters of arousal. His husband’s beautiful, squishy tummy was on full display, the angle held so Viktor could clearly see the hem of Yuuri’s pants and how he had tugged them as well as he could over his legs and stomach, even though they were clearly too small.

The button Yuuri had managed to fasten was quivering, struggling to keep the fabric together and then… then it popped.

Right there on film.

Yuuri’s soft belly rolling out, forcing the fabric apart to make room.

Viktor was glad he was standing by the edge of the rink so he could reach out to hold himself up by the rail. Trust his sexy chubby husband to be the one reason Viktor Nikiforov almost fell on his face for the first time on the ice in years.

He needed to get home.


Quickly, trying to look as casual as he could, Viktor put the phone away and clapped his hands, gaining his students’ attention.

“Kids, we’re calling it quits early today!”

Art of Seduction - Chapter 1 - Viktuurio (2024)


What is the greatest mistake in seduction? ›

The greatest mistake in seduction is being too nice. At first, perhaps, your kindness is charming, but it soon grows monotonous; you are trying too hard to please, and seem insecure. Instead of overwhelming your targets with niceness, try inflicting some pain.

How many hours does it take to read The Art of Seduction? ›

Our rough guess is there are 124000 words in this book. At a pace averaging 250 words per minute, this book will take 8 hours and 16 minutes to read. With a half hour per day, this will take 17 days to read.

What are the 24 rules of seduction? ›

We've summarized Greene's 24 rules of seduction below.
  • Choose the right victim. ...
  • Create a false sense of security — approach indirectly. ...
  • Send mixed signals. ...
  • Appear to be an object of desire. ...
  • Create a need — stir anxiety and discontent. ...
  • Master the art of insinuation. ...
  • Enter their spirit. ...
  • Create temptation.
Feb 7, 2017

Is The Art of Seduction manipulative? ›

Greene saw The Art of Seduction as the logical follow-up to The 48 Laws of Power since seduction is "about power and manipulation as much as it is about romance, about how to make someone fall under your spell."

What is the most powerful seducer? ›

Let us discover some of history's greatest seducers.
  • Giacomo Casanova. When it comes to famous seducers, none are more notorious than the 18th-century Italian adventurer whose name has quite literally come to personify the art of seduction. ...
  • Cleopatra. ...
  • Lord Byron. ...
  • Catherine the Great.

Who was the biggest male seducer? ›

The Venetian adventurer made his own name a synonym of seduction. Not only was Casanova the most notorious seducer of the Western world, he was also one of its most vivid storytellers.

What are the 3 pillars of seduction? ›

The Three Pillars of Seduction
  • lean in.
  • intimate gazing.
  • hands touch face.
Aug 20, 2015

What is the sin of seduction? ›

Seduction is here taken to mean the inducing of a previously virtuous woman to engage in unlawful sexual intercourse. Two cases are distinguishable. The seducer may have brought about the surrender of his victim's chastity either with or without a promise of subsequent marriage.

Does the art of seduction really work? ›

It takes years to learn, but I suggest you start today and practice, practice, practice. So to answer your question: yes I have tested the advice and suggestions given by this book literally "on the field", on people, on real life situations. And yes, it does work.

What gender is better at manipulation? ›

Abstract. Previous research has established sex differences in emotional manipulation; specifically, men are more likely than women to engage in emotional manipulation.

What is the body language of a manipulator? ›

Manipulators often rub hands together, indicating scheming or self-serving intentions. Neck rubbing signifies faked anxiety or guilt, a tactic to manipulate compliance. Chin Scratching: Manipulators scratch their chin to feign uncertainty, aiming to shift responsibilities to others.

Does a manipulative person love you? ›

In this dynamic one person's idea of love is based in measuring how much their partner is willing to do for them. Manipulators aren't interested in loving you, they are interested in you loving them and conforming to their needs; then convincing you that this is love.

What is the key to seduction? ›

There are two key steps to any type of seduction: understanding one's self and understanding the target. There are nine different types of seducers, and it's important for each seducer to identify his or her type. While these categories aren't mutually exclusive, people tend to naturally gravitate towards a main type.

What is the biggest mistake ever? ›

Here's a brief rundown of some of the world's largest gaffes:
  • Angering Genghis Khan. ...
  • Turning down Brian Acton and Jan Koum for a job. ...
  • Ordering trains that were too wide. ...
  • Signing Brian Poole and the Tremeloes. ...
  • Misspelling a company name. ...
  • Tetraethyl Lead. ...
  • The burning of the library at Alexandria. ...
  • The battle of Karánsebes, 1788.
Feb 3, 2023

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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Author information

Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.